Premier Galaxina Menu
I am extremely happy to be able to present to you this Premier Galaxina Portfolio. It is the product of at least half a years work. Here you will be able to experience some of the most rare photos of Dorothy as Galaxina that you are likely to ever see. Many of these I collected myself over the years and some were the result of the extreme kindness and generosity of Galaxina director himself, William Sachs. Through an interesting and odd set of synchronistic circumstances I was contacted by Mr. Sachs through email. We began a correspondence and I soon learned a bizarre fact. I worked for the company that had produced digital Betacam dubs for his new feature film called Spooky House. Indeed I was the very person who had done the work on his dubs, not knowing that it was his film. I believe the positive energy I asked you all to send me on the "How You Can Help" page made this opportunity possible. My deepest thanks go out to you all. Mr. Sachs invited me to come to his home in Los Angeles and gave me access to his rarest Galaxina collectables. I brought along my computer and scanning equipment and scanned all of these photos and slides. You will see these in the pictorial section. I had a wonderful time with Bill, his wife Margaret and their son Brandon. We ordered a pizza and all watched a pre-release DVD of his new film. After dinner I had the opportunity to interview Bill in detail about Dorothy and their time together on Galaxina. This complete and unedtied interview you will find no where else but on this site. I also recored sound bytes of Bill reminiscing about some of his favorite moments with Dorothy. Also sound bytes with his wife Margaret, recalling her first meeting Dorothy and her reaction at first learning of Dorothy's death.
This and more I give to you the fans who's love for Dorothy grows this site and makes anything possible. Let us all send the greatest thanks and wishes for continued success to William Sachs and his family. |